Tactics Business Owners Do to Effectively Manage Their Time

Have you even been in a situation where you have these to-do lists but can’t get yourself to start? Should you be updating your social media posts, replying to emails, or checking project updates, but choose to stare into space or do other things instead? It can be frustrating how sometimes time gets away and you didn’t get anything done for the day. We’ve all been in these situations at some point. We tend to waste our time instead of doing something productive. This is because we procrastinate or feel intimidated with all...

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Can Multitasking and “Doing it All” Hurt your Business?

What are your thoughts about multi-tasking? Do you think that “doing it all” is a good thing? Do you feel that if you don’t do it all, it won’t get done the right way or, even worse, it won’t get done at all? In this era of technology, almost all of us tend to do everything and several things at once. For instance, we check our emails, posts on Facebook and read the news all at the same time. We reply to text messages while dining out with friends. Some people talk to their clients while drafting their next...

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Get your Hours Back – Stop Wasting Time

Wasting time is easy as we go through the endless checking of emails, social media sites, mobile alerts, and doing unimportant things. We kill time instead of getting our work done. At the end of the day, we feel unproductive as if we have not accomplished any important tasks. It’s better to be real and face the ways we waste time. Take some time to review everything you do in a day. As you review your daily activities, you’ll come to realize how much time you have wasted. Recognize these common time wasters that take too much of...

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How Much Time Do Businesses Spend on Social Media?

Social media and social networking covers several sites that your business can use. There’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, Tumblr, Foursquare and a whole lot more. Most marketers and business owners have also asked this question: “How much time do I need to spend on social media?” Well, there is actually no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Every marketer and business owner has different answers as to the time they should be spending on social media each day. Some dedicate less than 30...

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Time and Stress Management Tips this Holiday Season

Being an entrepreneur and running a business is stressful and challenging. Then the holiday season arrives and your stress level rises through the roof. There are greater demands, not only on your business, but also with family and holiday events taking place. As an entrepreneur, you may feel inclined to be of service to everyone. You try to do your best to squeeze in everything – from your lifestyle, your friends, your clients and even yourself. There are gifts that must be bought and wrapped, parties and gatherings to attend, holiday...

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20 Essential Time Management Tips

You’re almost half way through the year, this is always the perfect time to review your habits, your plans and make changes as needed. This year, make maximizing your time one of your top business and life goals. To be successful, you’ll have to learn to effectively manage your time. It will also let you enjoy a more balanced life. According to a time management article on Entrepreneur: “There are only three ways to spend time: thoughts, conversations and actions. Regardless of the type of business you own, your work will be composed...

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