Boost Customer and Brand Loyalty with Mobile Apps

Nowadays, most customers want immediate access to information. They often choose to find what they need from their smartphones and tablet devices – from locating the cheapest store to finding the nearest local restaurant. As a business owner, it is vital to the survival of your business that you maintain an engaging mobile presence. You can do this easily with a mobile app. A mobile app is something that makes your business available around the clock – even on weekends and holidays. It gives customers on-the-go access to your...

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What Customers Want from your Business

Every customer needs a product or service that gives value for money, efficient sales and after-sales service, and a business that answers their needs. But like everyone else, your customers need to be cared for and appreciated. It’s not just the price of your products or services that they intend to purchase or use. Most of the time, how you make them feel becomes more valuable than your offerings. They’ll stay loyal to your business, if they remain happy and satisfied. Here are things your customers actually want from you and...

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Ways to Manage your Business’s Online Reputation

In today’s age, consumers are sharing their experiences online with their family, friends, network and everyone else to see. People trust their network more than the marketing messages of businesses. They tend to base their decisions on what they read, see, and learn about a business online. They won’t engage with a business if there are too many negative reviews. If the reputation of your business gets tarnished, you will lose your customers, sales, clients, and business partners. Even a single bad feedback or negative review that...

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When Customers Talk, Listen to Them

Do you know that you can grow your business and impact your bottom line simply by listening to your customers? It’s true. Listening is a very basic idea, but it is something that will make your business tick. It comes with discovering what your customers are experiencing, what they are asking for and hearing what they say about your business. Today’s customers are more vocal than ever before, expressing their insights on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, review sites, and more. Still, you have to know which customers to listen to and which...

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Important Customer Service Skills Every Business Needs

The way you handle your customers can make a huge difference in your business success. These customers are the ones who will turn into your loyal returning brand ambassadors as they share their experiences with their family, friends, and network. Giving importance to your customer service lets you resonate with your clients and customers better. Take time to master the golden rules of good customer service and nurture your relationship with your clients and potential customers. 1. Be Honest There is no need to lie just to make a sale. When you...

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Keep Customers with Loyalty Programs

Every entrepreneur and business owner knows that it is easier to keep your customers than to make new ones. This is why it is crucial that you think outside the box and get creative when searching for ways to retain customers. One of the easiest ways to make customers come back to your business is through a great loyalty and rewards program. Loyalty programs provide mutual benefits – incentives for your customers and rewards for your business. Loyalty programs like these have been around for years, and several studies show us that this...

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