Planning: The Key To A Productive Work Day

Diligent planning is essential to business success regardless of the size of the business. Planning your work day will help to increase productivity and alleviate stress. Consider these 8 tips to help you maximize efficiency: 1. To effectively map out your day, create a To Do list of all the tasks you have to complete that day 2. Don’t try to plan your day too far in advance, do it daily, at the end of each day, and modify the next day’s agenda as per new priorities and incomplete tasks from the previous day 3. Break large tasks down...

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Do You Track Where Your Customers Come From?

Smart companies appreciate customers and know that their customer base forms the heart and soul of their business. Newspaper ads, yellow page listings direct mail, radio and TV advertising are some traditional ways to attract customers. Today’s businesses also use online advertising, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Adwords, and email campaigns. Do you know which of your marketing and advertising dollars are attracting the most new customers? You may ask, “Why do I need to know this?” The answer is you don’t, but if you do know, you will...

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The Need to Clarify Your Success Goals

Success is not an easy thing and if you are prepared to attain success in your business and profession, then it will require that you indulge in preparing and writing out your goals. Setting your goals is the first step toward success. Writing your goals down and measuring the level of goal attainment is essential. Make sure that you define the deadline for the aim too. Goals that are unclear or too simple will not help keep you motivated or move your business forward. Here is a simple example to define what one means by clarifying the goal....

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How Dropbox can help your business

If you are looking for a great business tool to help keep your business organized, Dropbox is the next thing you need to invest in. Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your files, documents, photos and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox website. Dropbox also makes it super easy to share with others, which means your team has access to all the files they need the moment they need it. Dropbox helps you to share your important...

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The Importance of Having Business Vision

Companies that are just starting out may not yet have a business vision. They might not even see the importance of getting one right away. However, if any entity plans on being around long term they will need to have this setup and defined. With this addressed you are able to tell people and other organizations exactly who you are and what goals your company plans to make. Your company should have a purpose and having a vision will let others understand you better. When you look at the prospectus for a major corporation you will see that they...

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