Inspirational Message of the Week

I am open to new ideas and alert to divine inspiration. I recognize God as the source of divine ideas as well as the source of my ability to act on these ideas. I am energized as I identify a calling in which to invest my time and talents. I feel the inner peace that comes from being aligned with my purpose.

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Do You Track Where Your Customers Come From?

Smart companies appreciate customers and know that their customer base forms the heart and soul of their business. Newspaper ads, yellow page listings direct mail, radio and TV advertising are some traditional ways to attract customers. Today’s businesses also use online advertising, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Adwords, and email campaigns. Do you know which of your marketing and advertising dollars are attracting the most new customers? You may ask, “Why do I need to know this?” The answer is you don’t, but if you do know, you will...

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