Lead Your Business to Growth: Invest in Yourself

Warren Buffet, known as one of the most-admired and most-followed investors, shares these very important words: “Invest in yourself as much as you can, you are your own biggest asset by far.” It is about realizing that there is no greater investment that we can make than the investment we make in ourselves. Think about this. Do you make investing in yourself a priority? When was the last time you did something for yourself? We tend to get busy with work, as running a business takes much of our time. However, if you want your...

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Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Failure

Failure happens. No one can succeed at everything. When you meet successful entrepreneurs, you are indeed meeting people who have learned to overcome failure. In fact, many renowned business people have experienced difficult times. These people don’t let failures crush them. They don’t get beaten or lose hope. Instead, they take failure as an experience – a lesson to use to spring back. Failure actually makes people great at what they do. If you give up, you’ll never know when success really does lie around the next...

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Want your Business to Grow? Invest in your People

In business, you need people – staff, partners, associates, coaches, etc. In fact, you won’t grow your business without these important assets – your employees and yourself. Investing in your personal and professional growth, and of course, the growth of your people is one of the most important tasks you can do – whether you are a small or large business owner. Every company claims that their people are their most valuable and most expensive asset. However, some tend to overlook their people’s growth. As you plan...

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Lead Your Business to Growth: Invest in Yourself

Warren Buffet, known as one of the most-admired and most-followed investors, shares these very important words: “Invest in yourself as much as you can, you are your own biggest asset by far.” It is about realizing that there is no greater investment that we can make than the investment we make for ourselves. Think about this. Do you make investing in yourself a priority? When was the last time you did something for yourself? We tend to get busy with work, as running a business takes much of our time. However, if you want your...

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Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Failure

Failure happens. No one can succeed at everything. When you meet successful entrepreneurs, you are indeed meeting people who have learned to overcome failure. In fact, many renowned business people have experienced difficult times. These people don’t let failures crush them. They don’t get beaten or lose hope. Instead, they take failure as an experience – a lesson to use the knowledge to spring back. Failure actually makes people great at what they do. If you give up, you’ll never know when success really does lie around...

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How Can Your Business Survive in an Uncertain Economy?

What do you do when your bread and butter is in a struggle – when your profit margins are shrinking? This is one question that business owners should ask themselves and prepare for these days. Running a business is always a risk. It is never a sure bet. When demand and sales dip during economic turmoil, businesses struggle to survive and thrive. In tough economic times, most entrepreneurs get discouraged and feel bad. Well, you can’t just wait for the economy to change, or worse, accept your downfall. Some even think that their...

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