Seven Key Marketing Strategies for the Small Business Owner

For most folks, owning your own business is a dream come true. The freedom of being your own boss and succeeding or failing entirely upon your own merits are facts of life for the small business owner. Sure, there’s more stress than what you probably imagined when you were first starting out, but with a little strategy and planning you can overcome any tough spot you might find yourself in. These seven tactics developed by successful marketers will help make your business a success. 1. Create a One-of-a-Kind Selling Point If you want to...

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You Don’t Need a Lot of Money to Start a Business

Starting your own business can be a lucrative venture, but people often view it as a risk and shy away from it. The fact is, personal businesses can often generate large profits for the business owner, who also enjoys a flexible schedule and the satisfaction of working for his or her own benefit. Many people assume that starting a business requires a large amount of start-up capital. But some of the world’s largest multi-billion dollar companies, such as Apple, started with almost nothing. The success of a business is not necessarily...

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The Truth Behind Common Entrepreneurial Myths

If you have started your own business recently or are considering it, you have no doubt heard some of these comments from friends, family and advisors: “So many businesses fail. Why are you doing this?” “I hear that you need a large amount of money to get a business off the ground these days.” “Why would you want to throw away the security of your job?” These, and more of the same, are typical of the barriers that many people focus on when talking about starting a business. These barriers are built on the back of myths about the...

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Employee or Entrepreneur? Entrepreneur!

Many people are disheartened with their career. Many people consider going it alone and starting their own business. After all, who could argue that working toward your own dream is more rewarding than working hard for someone else’s goal. Unfortunately many people fear leaving the security of a consistent paycheck, and as a result stay in a job that meets very few of their needs. As scary as it can be to leave the security of a J.O.B and attempt to turn your passion into a business that pays the bills, there are many wonderful benefits to...

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